Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Delusional Disorder

There is not a single type of Delusional Disorder. There are a number of subtypes, but they share a major common feature. This is that the person has a nonbizzare delusion - a delusion that could occur in real life, that is. For example, a person that feels they are being followed or poisoned is nonbizarre, while a person who feels their parents are from mars is bizarre. The subtypes are erotomanic, in which the person believes that a person of usually higher status is in love with them; grandiose, which is delusions of inflated worth, power, knowledge, identity, or special relationships; jealous is that where they believe the sexual partner is unfaithful; persecutory by which they believe they or someone they are close to is being maltreated; somatic, in which they believe they have a physical problem, defect, or illness; or, the mixed type, in which more than one of the previous types is present.

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